How To ...

How To Create a Header Navigation Menu

Detailed description of Spinoko nav menus and a guide on how to create one can be found here.

💁 since version 2.4.0 you don't need to install a child theme for additional navigation, just check the box for Customizer -> Miscellaneous Options -> Display Traditional Menu option.

How To Remove Labels from Archive Page Titles

By default in any WordPress installation archive page titles contain a label plus the it's name/title, for example a page title for a category "Bonuses" is "Category: Bonuses" and the same if for tags, authors, etc.

If you want to remove those labels and just have the actual titles only, add the below function to your child theme's functions.php file.

 * Removes labels (category, tag, author) from archive page titles.
function spinoko_child_archive_titles( $title ) {

    if ( is_category() ) {

        $title = single_cat_title( '', false );

    } elseif ( is_tag() ) {

        $title = single_tag_title( '', false );

    } elseif ( is_author() ) {

        $title = get_the_author();

    return $title;
add_filter( 'get_the_archive_title', 'spinoko_child_archive_titles' );

How To Add Comments To Casino And Game Custom Post Types

By default comments are only available on posts, however, you can enable it on custom post types by adding the below code snippet to your child theme's functions.php file:

* Enables comments for casino and game custom post types.
function spinoko_child_enable_comments_on_cpt() {
    add_post_type_support( 'casino', 'comments' );
    add_post_type_support( 'game', 'comments' );
add_action( 'init', 'spinoko_child_enable_comments_on_cpt', 11 );

 * Adds the comments template to casino and game single pages.
function spinoko_child_add_comments_template_to_cpt() {
    if ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) {
add_action( 'spinoko_casino_after', 'spinoko_child_add_comments_template_to_cpt', 10 );
add_action( 'spinoko_game_after', 'spinoko_child_add_comments_template_to_cpt', 10 );

This will enable it for new casinos and games, for the existing ones you need to edit them and check the box "Allow comments" under "Discussion" tad on the right sidebar.

If you want to add comments to only casinos or only games, you can remove the corresponding lines from the functions above.

How To Add Additional Software/Game Providers

You can easily add custom software providers to each casino or game individually by filling in the "Additional Game Providers" field when editing the casino/game. However, you can define your custom software providers once and use them on any casino and game. They will be available in the main "Game Providers" field.

Use the below example in your child theme's functions.php file by adding any provider you need.

function spinoko_custom_game_providers(): array {

    return array(
        '42-gaming'      => '42 Gaming',
        'mosquito-games' => 'Mosquito Games',

Now 42 Gaming and Mosquito Games will be available in the list of software providers to choose from.

How To Add Additional Payment Methods

You can easily add custom payment methods to each casino individually by filling in the "Additional Payment Methods" field when editing the casino. However, you can define your custom payment methods once and use them on any casino. They will be available in the main "Payment Methods" field.

Use the below example in your child theme's functions.php file by adding any method you need.

function spinoko_custom_payment_methods(): array {

    return array(
        'venmo'        => 'Venmo',
        'gold-dragons' => 'Gold Dragons',

Now Venmo and Gold Dragons will be available in the list of payment methods to choose from.

Note that the custom methods you add will not have an icon. Check below to learn how to add icons for custom payment methods.

How To Use Custom Payment Icons

Spinoko comes with carefully chosen payment icons that both look nice on the page are optimal for performance. You can add your own icons by following the steps below.

The SVG icon: You need to use an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files for icons. .png .jpg .gif etc. common image formats will not work.

The file name: The filename should be the lowercase version of the payment method and should not contain spaces. For example: for American Express payment method you'd have a file called american-express.svg.

The Directory: You need to use a child theme for this to avoid future update conflicts. In your child theme's root directory create a directories: assets/icons/svg/payments/ and add the icon to the payments directory.

How To Change Payment Icon Colors

To change the colors of payment method icons use this CSS rule in your Additional CSS section and change #CACCAC to any color value you want.

:root {
    --color-payment-icon: #CACCAC;

How To Use Custom Casino Game Icons

Spinoko comes with carefully chosen casino game icons that both look nice on the page are optimal for performance. You can add your own icons by following the steps below.

The SVG icon: You need to use an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files for icons. .png .jpg .gif etc. common image formats will not work.

The file name: The filename should be the lowercase version of the game name and should not contain spaces. For example: for Crash Games you'd have a file called crash-games.svg.

The Directory: You need to use a child theme for this to avoid future update conflicts. In your child theme's root directory create a directories: assets/icons/svg/games/ and add the icon to the games directory.

How To Change Table Sorting Keys

By default Spinoko adds 5 table sorting keys/buttons:

  1. Name (alphabetically)
  2. Year (of establishment)
  3. Rating
  4. Bonus amount
  5. Bonus percentage

All the above fields are in casino edit pages to be filled in.

💁 If you just need to change the labels, you can do so by visiting CustomizerStrings in your WP dashboard.

To change the keys, use the following function and modify it in your child theme's functions.php file.

function spinoko__change_table_sort_keys() {

    return array(
        'default'          => __( 'X', 'spinoko' ),
        'alpha'            => __( 'Name', 'spinoko' ),
        'year'             => __( 'Year', 'spinoko' ),
        'rating'           => __( 'Rating', 'spinoko' ),
        'bonus_amount'     => __( 'Bonus', 'spinoko' ),
        'bonus_percentage' => __( 'Bonus %', 'spinoko' ),
add_filter( 'spinoko_table_sorting_keys', 'spinoko__change_table_sort_keys' );

It currently includes the 5 sort keys + a default/reset key, remove the ones you don't need and also provide your own labels for buttons by changing the default values.

For example, if you need only name and year keys, and you want to change Year to Year established the function would look like this:

function spinoko__change_table_sort_keys() {

    return array(
        'default' => __( 'X', 'spinoko' ),
        'alpha'   => __( 'Name', 'spinoko' ),
        'year'    => __( 'Year established', 'spinoko' ),
add_filter( 'spinoko_table_sorting_keys', 'spinoko__change_table_sort_keys' );

Disable reset - if you want to disable the default/reset option, remove the line 'default' => __( 'X', 'spinoko' ), as well.

Change order - if you want to move the default/reset button to the end, or change the order of the buttons, you can do it here by changing the order of 'key' => 'Label' pairs:

function spinoko__change_table_sort_keys() {

    return array(
        'rating'  => __( 'Rating', 'spinoko' ),
        'alpha'   => __( 'Name', 'spinoko' ),
        'default' => __( 'Reset', 'spinoko' ),

How To Change Table Filters

By default you can filter casinos by:

  • Country
  • Game
  • Game Provider
  • Payment Method
  • License

By using spinoko_table_filters_keys filter you can remove any key or change their names.

To change a name:

function spinoko__change_table_filters( $filters ) {

    $filters['games'] = 'Casino Games';

    return $filters;
add_filter( 'spinoko_table_filters_keys', 'spinoko__change_table_filters' );

To remove a key:

function spinoko__change_table_filters( $filters ) {

    return array_filter( $filters, fn ( $filter ) => $filter !== 'games', ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY );
add_filter( 'spinoko_table_filters_keys', 'spinoko__change_table_filters' );

In general, $filters is a PHP array and you can modify it the way you want. Here's the default array:

$filter = array(
    'countries'       => __( 'Countries', 'spinoko' ),
    'games'           => __( 'Games', 'spinoko' ),
    'game_providers'  => __( 'Game Providers', 'spinoko' ),
    'payment_methods' => __( 'Payment Methods', 'spinoko' ),
    'licenses'        => __( 'Licenses', 'spinoko' ),

How To Include Custom Payment Methods in Table Filters

By default table filters include only main payment methods provided by the theme. However, if you want to include the custom ones that you added, simply use this filter in your child theme.

add_filter( 'spinoko_table_filters_custom_payments', '__return_true', 10 );

How To Change (Translate) Country Names

By default Spinoko uses ISO 3166 country names and two-letter codes. Some of the names are quite long and you may want to change them. For example, instead of "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" you may want to use just "United Kingdom".

Also, you can use this method to display country names in a different language.

To change the names, you need to use the following filter in your child theme's functions.php file:

function spinoko__change_country_names( $countries ) {

    $countries['gb'] = 'United Kingdom';
    $countries['us'] = 'USA';

    return $countries;
add_filter( 'spinoko_country_custom_names', 'spinoko__change_country_names' );

For translation, use the same filter and add the country names in your language, for example:

// Spanish
$countries['de'] = 'Alemania';
$countries['nl'] = 'Países Bajos';

Use any country code (lower case) from the above mentioned ISO 3166 list and customize the country names by adding as many lines as you want:


You don't have to change/translate all the country names, do so for just the ones you need.

How To Change (Translate) Casino Game Names

You can change the names of casino games provided by the theme.

To do that, you need to use the following filter in your child theme's functions.php file:

function spinoko__change_game_names( $games ) {

    return array_map( function( $game ) {
        if ( 'other' === $game['name'] ) {
            $game['title'] = 'More Games';

        return $game;
    }, $games);
add_filter( 'spinoko_game_names', 'spinoko__change_game_names' );

Using a function similar to this, you can change and translate their names. This is the list of all games provided by the theme.

    array( 'name' => 'slots',        'title' => 'Slots' ),
    array( 'name' => 'blackjack',    'title' => 'Blackjack' ),
    array( 'name' => 'roulette',     'title' => 'Roulette' ),
    array( 'name' => 'baccarat',     'title' => 'Baccarat' ),
    array( 'name' => 'video-poker',  'title' => 'Video Poker' ),
    array( 'name' => 'craps',        'title' => 'Craps & Dice' ),
    array( 'name' => 'bingo',        'title' => 'Bingo' ),
    array( 'name' => 'keno',         'title' => 'Keno' ),
    array( 'name' => 'scratch',      'title' => 'Scratch Games' ),
    array( 'name' => 'crash',        'title' => 'Crash Games' ),
    array( 'name' => 'live',         'title' => 'Live Games' ),
    array( 'name' => 'other',        'title' => 'Other Games' ),
    array( 'name' => 'poker',        'title' => 'Poker' ),
    array( 'name' => 'lottery',      'title' => 'Lottery' ),

Pro Tip If you don't use any of the games on your website and you need another one that's missing, you can simply change one you don't need.

How To Change Footer Gambling Logos

By default Spinoko comes with 4 logo images that you can include in your site's footer. Those are 18+, BeGambleAware, GamCare and GamStop. This option is not enabled by default, you can enable it from Customizer -> Miscellaneous Options -> Footer Options -> "Display Footer Gambling Logos".

You can also change them or add more logos. To achieve that you need to do prepare your images and upload them to a directory in your child theme and include (and modify) 2 functions.

For this example I'll use this directory - /assets/images/footer-logos/. If you choose a different one, make sure to change it in the first function below. Once your directory is created you need to upload all the logo files into it. Once that's done, too, you can add the below functions into your child theme.

/** Change the logos' image directory */
function sch_footer_logos_directory( $path ) {
    return get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/footer-logos/';
add_filter( 'spinoko_gambling_logos_directory_path', 'sch_footer_logos_directory' );

/** Change the gambling logos */
function sch_footer_logos( $logos ) {

    return array(
            'image' => '18-plus.png',
            'alt'   => '18 Plus',
            'image' => 'be-gamble-aware.png',
            'alt'   => 'BeGambleAware',
            'url'   => '',
        // add more logos here
add_filter( 'spinoko_gambling_logos', 'sch_footer_logos' );

In the example above I included only 2 logos, for each logo you need to add an array of properties (file name, alt text and an optional URL).

How To Remove Review Links

By default Spinoko blocks include "Read Review" links to casino review pages. You may for some reason want to not display them and you could easily do it using some CSS rules, however, in that case the links would still be there, just hidden.

If you want to remove them entirely, use the below code snippet in your child theme.

 * Removes review links from table/grid blocks.
add_filter( 'spinoko_display_review_links', '__return_false', 10 );

How To Restore Default Theme Colors

These are the theme's default colors in case you want to restore any of them. Colors are in the same order that they appear in Customizer.

# Font Color: #23282d
# Primary Color: #2563eb
# Primary Color Hover: #1e3a8a
# Primary Color Contrast: #d5bc9a
# Secondary Color: #b91c1c
# Secondary Color Hover: #7f1d1d
# Secondary Color Contrast: #3acfcf
# Info Color: #93c5fd
# Error Color: #fca5a5
# Success Color: #6ee7b7
# Light Color: #e5e7eb
# Dark Color: #1f2937
# Link Color: #b91c1c
# Link Color Hover: #7f1d1d
# Star Icons Color: #dc2626
# Hero Font Color: #e5e7eb
# Hero Color: #1f2937
# Hero Top Color: #111827
# Hero Bottom Color: #374151