Customizing Listing Tools

Kemoku listings have optional filtering and sorting features. You can enable them for each listing block individually. In this document I'll demonstrate how to customize them.

All text strings used in listing tools can be updated in Kemoku Settings → Blocks section.

Style changes can be added to a child theme's stylesheet or theme's Customizer's Additional CSS section.

Other changes described below can be added to a child theme.


The listings can be sorted by name, rating or date in ascending and descending order. You can change these options with simple functions.

Changing Sorting Options

You can use a function like this one to modify sorting key labels, this example changes "Recently Added" to "Date".

function update_listing_sorting_keys( array $defaults ): array {

  $defaults['date'] = __( 'Date', 'kemoku' );

  return $defaults;
add_filter( 'kemoku_table_sorting__keys', 'update_listing_sorting_keys' );

Disabling Sorting Options

This function removed "Recently Added" option:

function update_listing_sorting_keys( array $defaults ): array {

  unset( $defaults['date'] );

  return $defaults;
add_filter( 'kemoku_table_sorting__keys', 'update_listing_sorting_keys' );


By default there are 6 filter groups: Rating, Features, Services, Licenses, Countries, Payment Methods. You can disable each one of them or change the group heading. These are the default values:

    'rating'          => __( 'Rating', 'kemoku' ),
    'features'        => __( 'Features', 'kemoku' ),
    'services'        => __( 'Services', 'kemoku' ),
    'licenses'        => __( 'Licenses', 'kemoku' ),
    'countries'       => __( 'Countries', 'kemoku' ),
    'us_states'       => __( 'US States', 'kemoku' ),
    'payment_methods' => __( 'Payment Methods', 'kemoku' ),

Disabling Filter Groups

To remove any group from filters, use a function like the one below. Change 'us_states' to any other key to remove those.

function remove_us_states_from_listing_filters( array $defaults ): array {

  unset( $defaults['us_states'] );

  return $defaults;
add_filter( 'kemoku_listing_filters__keys', 'remove_us_states_from_listing_filters' );

Changing Filter Headings

To change the group heading, use a function like the one below. This example is for Payment Methods, and you can adjust the values to change any other heading.

function update_listing_filters_pm_heading( array $defaults ): array {

  $defaults['payment_methods'] = 'Deposit Methods';

  return $defaults;
add_filter( 'kemoku_listing_filters__keys', 'update_listing_filters_pm_heading' );

Changing Rating Filters

By default there are 5 rating options: 6+, 7+, 8+, 9+ and 10. You can use a function like the example below to modify the rating options. This one removes "6+" option.

function update_listing_filters_ratings( array $defaults ): array {

  unset( $defaults[6] );

  return $defaults;
add_filter( 'kemoku_listing_filters__values__rating', 'update_listing_filters_ratings' );

Changing Feature Filters

By default there are 5 rating options: 'New', 'Popular', 'Fast Payouts', 'Mobile Friendly' and 'Good Reputation'. You can use a function like the example below to modify the rating options. This one removes "Good Reputation" option and renames "Mobile Friendly" to "Mobile Apps.

function update_listing_filters_features( array $defaults ): array {

  unset( $defaults['feature_5'] );

  return $defaults;
add_filter( 'kemoku_listing_filters__values__rating', 'update_listing_filters_features' );

This function changes "Mobile Friendly" to "Mobile Apps.

function update_listing_filters_features( array $defaults ): array {

  $defaults['feature_4'] = __( 'Mobile Apps', 'kemoku' );

  return $defaults;
add_filter( 'kemoku_listing_filters__values__rating', 'update_listing_filters_features' );

If you need multiple changes, you can add them all into a single function. For example, remove "Fast Payouts" and translate into Spanish.

function update_listing_filters_features( array $defaults ): array {

  return array(
            'feature_1' => __( 'Nuevo', 'kemoku' ),
            'feature_2' => __( 'Popular', 'kemoku' ),
            'feature_4' => __( 'Apto para móviles', 'kemoku' ),
            'feature_5' => __( 'Buena reputación', 'kemoku' ),
add_filter( 'kemoku_listing_filters__values__rating', 'update_listing_filters_features' );

Changing Service Filters

By default there are 8 services and here are their default values:

    'sportsbook'     => __( 'Sportsbook', 'kemoku' ),
    'casino'         => __( 'Casino', 'kemoku' ),
    'live_casino'    => __( 'Live Casino', 'kemoku' ),
    'poker'          => __( 'Poker', 'kemoku' ),
    'bingo'          => __( 'Bingo', 'kemoku' ),
    'lottery'        => __( 'Lottery', 'kemoku' ),
    'horse_racing'   => __( 'Horse Racing', 'kemoku' ),
    'fantasy_sports' => __( 'Fantasy Sports', 'kemoku' ),

You can use a function like the example below to modify the rating options. This one removes "Bingo" and "Lottery" options and renames "Fantasy Sports" to "Daily Fantasy Sports".

function update_listing_filters_services( array $defaults ): array {

  unset( $defaults['bingo'] );
  unset( $defaults['lottery'] );

  $defaults['fantasy_sports'] = __( 'Daily Fantasy Sports', 'kemoku' );

  return $defaults;
add_filter( 'kemoku_listing_filters__values__services', 'update_listing_filters_services' );

Changing Country, State, License, Payment Method and Currency Filters

Country, State, Payment Method, Currency and License values on filters are generated from the fields you fill in when editing review pages. There will be only values that you already selected. However, if for some reason you need to modify them, you can use the below filters:



Copy the values you want to change to a custom stylesheet or Additional CSS section and adjust them.

.sb-listing-popup {
  /* This is the semi-transparent background color outside the popup window. */
  --listing_tools_popup_outer_color: rgba(2, 15, 44, 0.76);
  /* This is the popup background color. */
  --listing_tools_popup_bg_color: #fff;
  /* This is the popup font color. */
  --listing_tools_popup_font_color: #8d99a2;
  /* This is the popup maximum width. */
  --listing_tools_popup_max_width: 440px;
  /* This is the popup maximum height. */
  --listing_tools_popup_max_height: 90vh;
  /* This is the popup border radius. */
  --listing_tools_popup_border_radius: 4px;
  /* This is the popup headings background color. */
  --listing_tools_headings_bg_color: var(--section_bg_color);
  /* This is the popup headings border radius. */
  --listing_tools_headings_border_radius: var(--listing_tools_popup_border_radius);
  /* This is the popup button font color. */
  --listing_tools_button_font_color: #565f66;
  /* This is the popup button background color. */
  --listing_tools_button_bg_color: var(--section_bg_color);
  /* This is the popup button border color. */
  --listing_tools_button_border_color: #d5dde3;
  /* This is the popup button border radius. */
  --listing_tools_button_border_radius: 4px;
  /* This is the popup selected options highlight color. */
  --listing_tools_filter_sort_selected_color: var(--button_bg_color, green);
  /* This is the popup footer buttons' background color. */
  --listing_tools_footer_button_bg_color: #d5dde3;
  /* This is the popup footer buttons' font color. */
  --listing_tools_footer_button_font_color: inherit;

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